Source code for clove.block_explorer.blockcypher

from typing import Optional

from bitcoin.core import CTxOut

from clove.block_explorer.base import BaseAPI
from import Utxo
from clove.utils.bitcoin import from_base_units
from clove.utils.external_source import clove_req_json
from clove.utils.logging import logger

[docs]class BlockcypherAPI(BaseAPI): '''Adapter class for''' api_url = '' '''Base url for block explorer API.'''
[docs] @classmethod def blockcypher_url(cls) -> str: ''' This method returns a full API url for a given network. Returns: str: full API url ''' chain = 'test3' if cls.testnet else 'main' return f'{cls.api_url}/v1/{cls.symbols[0].lower()}/{chain}'
[docs] @classmethod def get_latest_block(cls) -> Optional[int]: ''' Returns the number of the latest block. Returns: int, None: number of the latest block or None if API is not working Example: >>> from import Bitcoin >>> network = Bitcoin() >>> network.get_latest_block() 544989 ''' return clove_req_json(f'{cls.blockcypher_url()}')['height']
[docs] @classmethod def get_transaction(cls, tx_address: str) -> Optional[dict]: ''' Getting transaction details. Args: tx_address (str): transaction address Returns: dict, None: dictionary with transaction details or None if transaction doesn't exist Example: >>> from import Bitcoin >>> network = Bitcoin() >>> network.get_transaction('a82213fd237a2b4bf05c805611dc913125aef138bf2874f0668133a4bb5f3b64') {'blockhash': '0000000000000000000e2d8d964b4da69f2f30b79aaa58597848719bf0b86a1b', 'blockheight': 544987, 'blocktime': 1539068621, 'confirmations': 3, 'fees': 0.0011, 'locktime': 0, 'size': 192, 'time': 1539068621, 'txid': 'a82213fd237a2b4bf05c805611dc913125aef138bf2874f0668133a4bb5f3b64', 'valueIn': 0.60725408, 'valueOut': 0.60615408, 'version': 1, 'vin': [{'addr': '163o7ig87TnUnp1QF1rBrsjU1uhfEW9nNU', 'doubleSpentTxID': None, 'n': 0, 'scriptSig': { 'asm': '3045022100ad5db8c05d7f702c8328ae5a817a13dd7f0fda876e3bb3b7729b041bb612275502200af30b833c06c8485ccec95de48c2238a4ffa4e4820dd6466b95dc5d26e883ae[ALL] 03b504de54d5940a81cf5f8c483025c6f39bfc7eed60a022549513fd8d6e41d74f', # noqa: E50 'hex': '483045022100ad5db8c05d7f702c8328ae5a817a13dd7f0fda876e3bb3b7729b041bb612275502200af30b833c06c8485ccec95de48c2238a4ffa4e4820dd6466b95dc5d26e883ae012103b504de54d5940a81cf5f8c483025c6f39bfc7eed60a022549513fd8d6e41d74f'}, # noqa: E501 'sequence': 4294967295, 'txid': '101cc115cc6882e1fd150c35efd056d18a73c12a3321c406960844561922dfc0', 'value': 0.60725408, 'valueSat': 60725408, 'vout': 0}], 'vout': [{'n': 0, 'scriptPubKey': {'addresses': ['13xMGnw7sTTVXT26YpfZQkk2rvuvJFoMvi'], 'asm': 'OP_DUP OP_HASH160 20680d49e72e1de6af9a0180b3293f2cbd0d0666 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG', 'hex': '76a91420680d49e72e1de6af9a0180b3293f2cbd0d066688ac', 'type': 'pubkeyhash'}, 'spentHeight': None, 'spentIndex': None, 'spentTxId': None, 'value': '0.60615408'}]} ''' return clove_req_json(f'{cls.blockcypher_url()}/txs/{tx_address}?includeHex=true')
[docs] @classmethod def get_utxo(cls, address: str, amount: float) -> Optional[list]: ''' Getting list of UTXO objects. Args: address (str): wallet address to look for UTXO amount (float): minimum value that should be satisfied in UTXO objects Returns: list, None: list of UTXO objects or None it there was not enough UTXO Example: >>> from import Litecoin >>> network = Litecoin() >>> network.get_utxo(address='LUAn5PWmsPavgz32mGkqsUuAKncftS37Jq', amount=0.01) [ Utxo(tx_id='0cd90567497823097d03464b4b2d08dd659f1c5621dd55e9540bc9bcd3e191ec', vout='0', value='0.00976168', tx_script='76a91485c0522f6e23beb11cc3d066cd20ed732648a4e688ac', wallet=None, secret=None, refund=False), # noqa: E501 Utxo(tx_id='a5c027027c695f403fe570850e35ffd44bb28479ecaaee039372015fe0aae7b2', vout='0', value='0.00097114', tx_script='76a91485c0522f6e23beb11cc3d066cd20ed732648a4e688ac', wallet=None, secret=None, refund=False) # noqa: E501 ] ''' data = clove_req_json( f'{cls.blockcypher_url()}/addrs/{address}' '?limit=2000&unspentOnly=true&includeScript=true&confirmations=6' ) if not data: logger.debug(f'Cannot find UTXO for address {address} ({cls.symbols[0]})') return unspent = data.get('txrefs', []) for output in unspent: output['value'] = int(output['value']) unspent = sorted(unspent, key=lambda k: k['value'], reverse=True) utxo = [] total = 0 for output in unspent: value = from_base_units(output['value']) utxo.append( Utxo( tx_id=output['tx_hash'], vout=output['tx_output_n'], value=value, tx_script=output['script'], ) ) total += value if total > amount: return utxo logger.debug(f'Cannot find enough UTXO\'s. Found %.8f from %.8f.', total, amount)
[docs] @classmethod def extract_secret_from_redeem_transaction(cls, contract_address: str) -> Optional[str]: ''' Extracting secret from redeem transaction based on contract address. Args: contract_address (str): address of the contract atomic swap contract Returns: str, None: Secret string or None if contract wasn't redeemed yet. Example: >>> from import BitcoinTestNet >>> network = BitcoinTestNet() >>> network.extract_secret_from_redeem_transaction('2N7Gxryn4dD1mdyGM3DMxMAwD7k3RBTJ1gP') 90f6b9b9a34acb486654b3e9cdc02cce0b8e40a8845924ffda68453ac2477d20 ''' data = clove_req_json(f'{cls.blockcypher_url()}/addrs/{contract_address}/full') if not data: logger.error('Unexpected response from blockcypher') raise ValueError('Unexpected response from blockcypher') transactions = data['txs'] if len(transactions) == 1: logger.debug('Contract was not redeemed yet.') return return cls.extract_secret(scriptsig=transactions[0]['inputs'][0]['script'])
[docs] @classmethod def get_balance(cls, wallet_address: str) -> Optional[float]: ''' Returns wallet balance without unconfirmed transactions. Args: wallet_address (str): wallet address Returns: float, None: account balance converted from base units or None if something went wrong Example: >>> from import BitcoinTestNet >>> network = BitcoinTestNet() >>> network.get_balance('msJ2ucZ2NDhpVzsiNE5mGUFzqFDggjBVTM') 4.22188744 ''' data = clove_req_json(f'{cls.blockcypher_url()}/addrs/{wallet_address}/balance') if data is None: logger.error('Could not get details for address %s in %s network', wallet_address, cls.symbols[0]) return return from_base_units(data['balance'] or data['unconfirmed_balance'])
[docs] @classmethod def get_transaction_url(cls, tx_hash: str) -> str: """ Returns transaction url for a given transaction hash in block explorer. Args: tx_hash (str): transaction hash Returns: str: Url to transaction """ if cls.testnet: network_name = f'{cls.symbols[0].lower()}-testnet' else: network_name = cls.symbols[0].lower() url = cls.api_url.replace('api.', 'live.') return f'{url}/{network_name}/tx/{tx_hash}/'
[docs] @classmethod def get_fee(cls) -> Optional[float]: ''' Getting actual fee per kb Returns: float, None: actual fee per kb or None if eg. API is not responding Example: >>> from import BitcoinTestNet >>> network = BitcoinTestNet() >>> network.get_fee() 0.00024538 ''' response = clove_req_json(cls.blockcypher_url()) fee = response.get('high_fee_per_kb') if not fee: logger.error('Cannot find the right key (high_fee_per_kb) while getting fee in blockcypher.') return return from_base_units(fee)
[docs] @classmethod def get_first_vout_from_tx_json(cls, tx_json: dict) -> CTxOut: ''' Adapter method for returning first vout. Args: tx_json (dict): dictionary with transaction details Returns: CTxOut: transaction output ''' tx = cls.deserialize_raw_transaction(tx_json['hex']) return tx.vout[0]