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[docs]class BaseNetwork(object): '''Class for shared properties and methods for Bitcoin and Ethereum network.''' name = None '''Network name.''' symbols = () '''Tuple with network symbols (some networks may have multiple symbols, eg. Bitcoin).''' networks = {} '''Placeholder for symbol-network mapping.''' bitcoin_based = None '''Flag for Bitcoin-based networks.''' ethereum_based = None '''Flag for Ethereum-based networks.''' testnet = False '''Flag for test networks.''' blockexplorer_tx = None '''Url of the transaction in block explorer (format string)''' @property def default_symbol(self) -> str: '''Returns default (first) symbol for networks with multiple symbols. Returns: str: network symbol Example: >>> from import Bitcoin >>> bitcoin_network = Bitcoin() >>> bitcoin_network.default_symbol 'BTC' Note: This property can return `None` if `symbols` are not declared in the network definition. ''' if self.symbols: return self.symbols[0]
[docs] @classmethod def is_test_network(cls) -> bool: '''Returning True if the network is a testnet.''' return cls.testnet
[docs] @classmethod def get_network_by_symbol(cls, symbol: str): ''' Returns network instance by its symbol. Args: symbol (str): network symbol Returns: Network object Raises: RuntimeError: if there is no network with given symbol. Example: >>> from import BaseNetwork >>> BaseNetwork.get_network_by_symbol('BTC') < at 0x7f5a84b233c8> ''' if not cls.networks: cls.set_symbol_mapping() symbol = symbol.upper() if symbol not in cls.networks: raise RuntimeError(f'{symbol} network is not supported.') return cls.networks[symbol]()
[docs] @classmethod def set_symbol_mapping(cls): '''Creates symbol-instance mapping.''' from import __all__ as networks for network in networks: for symbol in network.symbols: if network.is_test_network(): cls.networks[f'{symbol.upper()}-TESTNET'] = network else: cls.networks[f'{symbol.upper()}'] = network