Source code for

from random import shuffle
import socket
from time import sleep, time
from typing import Optional

import bitcoin
from bitcoin import SelectParams
from bitcoin.base58 import Base58ChecksumError, InvalidBase58Error
from bitcoin.core import CTransaction, b2lx, b2x, script, x
from bitcoin.core.serialize import Hash, SerializationError, SerializationTruncationError
from bitcoin.messages import (
from import CInv
from bitcoin.wallet import CBitcoinAddress, CBitcoinAddressError

from clove.constants import (
from clove.exceptions import (
from import BaseNetwork
from import BitcoinContract
from import BitcoinAtomicSwapTransaction
from import BitcoinWallet
from clove.utils.bitcoin import auto_switch_params
from clove.utils.external_source import clove_req_json
from clove.utils.logging import logger
from import generate_params_object

[docs]class BitcoinBaseNetwork(BaseNetwork): name = None '''Network name''' symbols = () '''Tuple with network symbols''' seeds = () '''Tuple with seed nodes addresses''' nodes = () '''Tuple with nodes addresses or IPs''' port = None '''Port number used by network nodes''' connection = None '''Connection object''' protocol_version = None '''Protocol version number used by network nodes''' blacklist_nodes = {} '''List of dead nodes''' message_start = b'' '''Message prefix''' base58_prefixes = {} '''Dictionary of different prefixes''' bitcoin_based = True '''Flag for bitcoin-based networks'''
[docs] @classmethod def switch_params(cls): ''' Method for changing network parameteres. Note: This method is used by the `auto_switch_params` decorator. ''' if == 'bitcoin': SelectParams('mainnet') elif == 'test-bitcoin': SelectParams('testnet') else: SelectParams(, generic_params_object=generate_params_object(, message_start=cls.message_start, base58_prefixes=cls.base58_prefixes, ) )
[docs] def publish(self, raw_transaction: str) -> Optional[str]: ''' Method for publishing transactions. Args: raw_transaction (str): hex string containing signed transaction Returns: str, None: transaction address or None if transaction wasn't published Example: >>> raw_transaction = '010000000184a38a4e8743964249665fb241fbd3...35b' >>> network.publish(raw_transaction) 70eefae0106b787e592e12914e4040efd8181dd299fa314d8f66da6a95cd1cfe ''' for attempt in range(1, TRANSACTION_BROADCASTING_MAX_ATTEMPTS + 1): transaction_address = self.broadcast_transaction(raw_transaction) if transaction_address is None: logger.warning('Transaction broadcast attempt no. %s failed. Retrying...', attempt) continue'Transaction broadcast is successful. End of broadcasting process.') return transaction_address logger.warning( '%s attempts to broadcast transaction failed. Broadcasting process terminates!', TRANSACTION_BROADCASTING_MAX_ATTEMPTS )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_nodes(seed: str) -> list: ''' Extracting nodes from seed node. Args: seed (str): seed node address Returns: list: list of IPs of network nodes Example: >>> network.get_nodes('') ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] ''' logger.debug('Getting nodes from seed node %s', seed) try: hostname, alias, nodes = socket.gethostbyname_ex(seed) except (socket.herror, socket.gaierror): return [] logger.debug('Got %s nodes', len(nodes)) return nodes
[docs] @auto_switch_params() def capture_messages(self, expected_message_types: list, timeout: int=20, buf_size: int=1024, ignore_empty: bool=False) -> list: ''' Method for receiving messages from network nodes. Args: expected_message_types (list): list of message types to search for timeout (int): timeout for waiting for messages buf_size (int): buffer size that is going to be used for receiving messages ignore_empty (bool): flag for ignoring errors if the message that we're looking for wasn't found. Eg. this flag can be set to True when looking for reject messages because the absence of the reject message is not an error. Returns: list, None: list of received messages or None if none or not all expected message types were found Example: >>> from bitcoin.messages import msg_verack, msg_version >>> network.capture_messages([msg_version, msg_verack]) ''' deadline = time() + timeout found = [] partial_message = None while expected_message_types and time() < deadline: try: received_data = self.connection.recv(buf_size) if partial_message: received_data = partial_message + received_data except socket.timeout: continue if not received_data: sleep(0.1) continue for raw_message in self.split_message(received_data): try: message = MsgSerializable.from_bytes(raw_message) except (SerializationError, SerializationTruncationError, ValueError): partial_message = raw_message continue partial_message = None if not message: # unknown message type, skipping continue msg_type = type(message) if msg_type is msg_ping: logger.debug('Got ping, sending pong.') self.send_pong(message) elif msg_type is msg_version: logger.debug('Saving version') self.protocol_version = message if msg_type in expected_message_types: found.append(message) expected_message_types.remove(msg_type) logger.debug('Found %s, %s more to catch', msg_type.command.upper(), len(expected_message_types)) if not expected_message_types: return found if not ignore_empty: logger.error('Not all messages could be captured')
[docs] @auto_switch_params() def create_connection(self, node: str, timeout=2) -> Optional[socket.socket]: ''' Establish connection to a given node. Args: node (str): node domain or IP address timeout (int): number of seconds to wait before raising timeout Returns: socket.socket: socket connection Example: >>> network.create_connection('') <socket.socket fd=11, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=2049, proto=6, laddr=('', 36086), raddr=('', 18333)> # noqa: E501 ''' try: self.connection = socket.create_connection( address=(node, self.port), timeout=timeout ) except (socket.timeout, ConnectionRefusedError, OSError): logger.debug('[%s] Could not establish connection to this node', node) return logger.debug('[%s] Connection established, sending version packet', node) if self.send_version(): return self.connection
[docs] @auto_switch_params() def connect(self) -> Optional[str]: ''' Connects to some node from the network. Returns: str, None: node IP address or domain, None if doesn't connect to any node Example: >>> network.connect() '' >>> network.connection <socket.socket fd=12, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=2049, proto=6, laddr=('', 54300), raddr=('', 18333)> # noqa: E501 ''' if self.connection and self.send_ping(): # already connected return self.get_current_node() if self.nodes: # fake seed node to enter the seed nodes loop self.seeds = (None, ) random_seeds = list(self.seeds) shuffle(random_seeds) for seed in random_seeds: if seed is None: # get hardcoded nodes nodes = self.nodes else: # get nodes from seed node nodes = self.get_nodes(seed) nodes = self.filter_blacklisted_nodes(nodes) for node in nodes: if not self.create_connection(node): self.terminate(node) continue messages = self.capture_messages([msg_version, msg_verack]) if not messages: logger.debug('[%s] Failed to get version or version acknowledge message from node', node) self.terminate(node) continue logger.debug('[%s] Got version, sending version acknowledge message', node) if not self.send_verack(): self.terminate(node) continue return node
[docs] def filter_blacklisted_nodes(self, nodes: list, max_tries_number=3) -> list: ''' Filtering out dead nodes. Args: nodes (list): list of nodes to filter max_tries_number (int): maximum number of attempts to connect to a node (above this value node is being filtered out) Returns: list: list of nodes without dead nodes ''' return sorted( [node for node in nodes if self.blacklist_nodes.get(node, 0) <= max_tries_number], key=lambda node: self.blacklist_nodes.get(node, 0) )
[docs] def terminate(self, node: str=None): ''' Closing connection to a given node and increasing number of failed connection attempts to this node. Args: node (str): node's IP address or domain. If the node was not given then this method will just close the existing connection. Returns: None ''' if node: self.update_blacklist(node) if self.connection: self.connection.close() self.connection = None
[docs] def update_blacklist(self, node): ''' Increasing number of failed connection attempts to a give node. Args: node (str): node's IP address or domain Returns: None ''' try: self.blacklist_nodes[node] += 1 except KeyError: logger.warning('Unable to update blacklist') self.blacklist_nodes[node] = 1
[docs] @auto_switch_params() def version_packet(self) -> bitcoin.messages.msg_version: ''' Creating version package for a current network. Returns: bitcoin.messages.msg_version ''' packet = msg_version(170002) packet.addrFrom.ip, packet.addrFrom.port = self.connection.getsockname() packet.addrTo.ip, packet.addrTo.port = self.connection.getpeername() return packet
[docs] @classmethod @auto_switch_params() def split_message(cls, received_data: bytes) -> list: ''' Splits received data based on start message prefix. Args: received_data (bytes): portion of received data Returns: list: list of messages that were found ''' return [ bitcoin.params.MESSAGE_START + m for m in received_data.split(bitcoin.params.MESSAGE_START) if m ]
[docs] @auto_switch_params() def send_message(self, msg: object, timeout: int=2) -> bool: ''' Sends given message to the connected node. Args: msg (obj): bitcoin message object eg bitcoin.messages.msg_version or bitcoin.messages.msg_tx timeout (int): timeout for communication with connected node Returns: bool: True if the message was sent, False otherwise. Example: >>> from bitcoin.messages import msg_ping >>> network.send_message(msg_ping()) True ''' try: self.connection.settimeout(timeout) self.connection.send(msg.to_bytes()) except (socket.timeout, ConnectionRefusedError, OSError) as e: logger.debug('Failed to send %s message', msg.command.decode()) logger.debug(e) return False return True
[docs] @auto_switch_params() def send_ping(self, timeout: int=1) -> bool: ''' Sends ping message and tries to capture pong message. Args: timeout (int): timeout for communication with connected node Returns: bool: True if the message was sent, False otherwise. Example: >>> network.send_ping() True ''' if not self.send_message(msg_ping(), timeout): return False if self.capture_messages([msg_pong, ]): return True return False
[docs] @auto_switch_params() def send_pong(self, ping: msg_ping, timeout: int=1) -> bool: ''' Sends pong message in response to ping message. Args: ping (bitcoin.messages.msg_ping): ping message that where received timeout (int): timeout for communication with connected node Returns: bool: True if the message was sent, False otherwise. Example: >>> network.send_pong(ping_message) True ''' return self.send_message( msg_pong(self.protocol_version.nVersion, ping.nonce), timeout )
[docs] @auto_switch_params() def send_verack(self, timeout: int=2) -> bool: ''' Sending version acknowledge message. Args: timeout (int): timeout for communication with connected node Returns: bool: True if the message was sent, False otherwise. Example: >>> network.send_verack() True ''' return self.send_message( msg_verack(self.protocol_version.nVersion), timeout )
[docs] def send_version(self, timeout: int=2) -> bool: ''' Sending version message. Args: timeout (int): timeout for communication with connected node Returns: bool: True if the message was sent, False otherwise. Example: >>> network.send_version() True ''' return self.send_message( self.version_packet(), timeout )
[docs] @auto_switch_params() def broadcast_transaction(self, raw_transaction: str) -> Optional[str]: ''' Sends given transaction to connected node. Args: raw_transaction (str): hex string containing signed transaction Returns: str, None: transaction address if transaction was sent, None otherwise. ''' deserialized_transaction = self.deserialize_raw_transaction(raw_transaction) serialized_transaction = deserialized_transaction.serialize() get_data = self.send_inventory(serialized_transaction) if not get_data: logger.debug( ConnectionProblem('Clove could not get connected with any of the nodes for too long.') ) self.reset_connection() return node = self.get_current_node() if all(el.hash != Hash(serialized_transaction) for el in get_data.inv): logger.debug(UnexpectedResponseFromNode('Node did not ask for our transaction', node)) self.reset_connection() return message = msg_tx() message.tx = deserialized_transaction if not self.send_message(message, 20): return'[%s] Looking for reject message.', node) messages = self.capture_messages([msg_reject, ], timeout=REJECT_TIMEOUT, buf_size=8192, ignore_empty=True) if messages: logger.debug(TransactionRejected(messages[0], node)) self.reset_connection() return'[%s] Reject message not found.', node) transaction_address = b2lx(deserialized_transaction.GetHash())'[%s] Transaction %s has just been sent.', node, transaction_address) return transaction_address
[docs] @auto_switch_params() def send_inventory(self, serialized_transaction) -> Optional[msg_getdata]: ''' Sends inventory message with given serialized transaction to connected node. Returns: msg_getdata, None: get data request or None if something went wrong Note: This method is used by `broadcast_transaction` to inform connected node about existence of the new transaction. ''' message = msg_inv() inventory = CInv() inventory.type = MSG_TX hash_transaction = Hash(serialized_transaction) inventory.hash = hash_transaction message.inv.append(inventory) timeout = time() + NODE_COMMUNICATION_TIMEOUT while time() < timeout: node = self.connect() if node is None: self.reset_connection() continue if not self.send_message(message): self.terminate(node) continue messages = self.capture_messages([msg_getdata, ]) if not messages: self.terminate(node) continue'[%s] Node responded correctly.', node) return messages[0]
[docs] def reset_connection(self): '''Disconnection from node if connected and clearing the blacklisted nodes.''' if self.connection: self.connection.close() self.connection = None self.blacklist_nodes = {}
[docs] @classmethod @auto_switch_params() def get_new_wallet(cls) -> BitcoinWallet: ''' Generates a new wallet. Example: >>> wallet = network.get_new_wallet() >>> wallet.address 'mrkLKxgzfQk4dgFrfaoVYjeTkXxCfKyz1q' ''' return cls.get_wallet()
[docs] @classmethod def get_current_fee_per_kb(cls) -> Optional[float]: """ Getting current network fee from Clove API Returns: float, None: current fee per kb or None if something went wrong Example: >>> network.get_current_fee_per_kb() 0.01006814 """ network = cls.symbols[0].upper() if cls.testnet: network += '-TESTNET' resp = clove_req_json(f'{CLOVE_API_URL}/fee/{network}') if not resp: logger.debug('Could not get current fee for %s network', network) return return resp['fee']
[docs] def get_current_node(self) -> Optional[str]: ''' Getting address of connected node. Returns: str, None: IP for connected node or None if there is no connection established. Example: >>> network.get_current_node() '' ''' if self.connection: return self.connection.getpeername()[0]
[docs] @auto_switch_params() def atomic_swap( self, sender_address: str, recipient_address: str, value: float, solvable_utxo: list=None, secret_hash: str=None, ) -> Optional[BitcoinAtomicSwapTransaction]: ''' Creates atomic swap unsigned transaction object. Args: sender_address (str): wallet address of the sender recipient_address (str): wallet address of the recipient value (float): amount to swap solvable_utxo (list): optional list of UTXO objects. If None then it will try to find UTXO automatically by using the `get_utxo` method. secret_hash (str): optional secret hash to be used in transaction. If None then the new hash will be generated. Returns: BitcoinAtomicSwapTransaction, None: unsigned Atomic Swap transaction object or None if something went wrong Example: >>> from import BitcoinTestNet >>> network = BitcoinTestNet() >>> network.atomic_swap('msJ2ucZ2NDhpVzsiNE5mGUFzqFDggjBVTM', 'mmJtKA92Mxqfi3XdyGReza69GjhkwAcBN1', 2.4) < at 0x7f989439d630> ''' if not solvable_utxo: solvable_utxo = self.get_utxo(sender_address, value) if not solvable_utxo: logger.error(f'Cannot get UTXO for address {sender_address}') return transaction = BitcoinAtomicSwapTransaction( self, sender_address, recipient_address, value, solvable_utxo, secret_hash ) transaction.create_unsigned_transaction() return transaction
[docs] @auto_switch_params() def audit_contract( self, contract: str, raw_transaction: Optional[str]=None, transaction_address: Optional[str]=None, ) -> BitcoinContract: ''' Getting details about an Atomic Swap contract. Args: contract (str): contract definition (hex string) raw_transaction (str): hex string with raw transaction transaction_address (str): hex string with transaction address which created an Atomic Swap Returns: BitcoinContract: contract object Example: >>> from import Litecoin >>> network = Litecoin() >>> network.audit_contract( contract='63a61450314a793bf317665ecdc54c2e843bb106aeee158876a91485c0522f6e23beb11cc3d066cd20ed732648a4e66704926db75bb17576a914621f617c765c3caa5ce1bb67f6a3e51382b8da296888ac', # noqa: E501 transaction_address='09a60dc3fafe6ba058b2a140457df1c3b446602595d47deed641cb635ffd25aa' ) < at 0x7f98870db978> ''' return BitcoinContract(self, contract, raw_transaction, transaction_address)
[docs] @classmethod @auto_switch_params() def get_wallet(cls, private_key: str=None, encrypted_private_key: bytes=None, password: str=None) ->BitcoinWallet: ''' Returns wallet object. Args: private_key (str): hex string with wallet's secret key encrypted_private_key (bytes): private key encrypted with password password (str): password for decrypting an encrypted private key Returns: BitcoinWallet: wallet object Example: >>> from import BitcoinTestNet >>> network = BitcoinTestNet() >>> wallet = network.get_wallet('cV8FDJu3JhLED2D7q5L7FwLCus69TajYGEnTWEbNqhzzV9WxMBE7') >>> wallet.address 'mtUXc6UJTiwb5FdoEJ2hzR8R1yUrcj3hcn' Note: If private_key has not been provided then a new wallet will be generated just like via `get_new_wallet()`. ''' return BitcoinWallet(private_key, encrypted_private_key, password)
[docs] @classmethod def extract_secret(cls, raw_transaction: str=None, scriptsig: str=None) -> str: ''' Extracting secret from Alice redeem transaction (first redeem in the Atomic Swao). Args: raw_transaction (str): raw transaction to extract secret from scriptSig (str): value of the scriptSig field from the first vin Returns: str: transaction secret Raises: ValueError: if something goes wrong Example: >>> from import Litecoin >>> network = Litecoin() >>> network.extract_secret(raw_transaction='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') # noqa: E501 'c480afb333623864901c968022a07dd93fe3c06f5684ea728b8113e17fa91bd9' >>> network.extract_secret(scriptsig='0c480afb333623864901c968022a07dd93fe3c06f5684ea728b8113e17fa91bd9514c5163a61450314a793bf317665ecdc54c2e843bb106aeee158876a91485c0522f6e23beb11cc3d066cd20') # noqa: E501 'c480afb333623864901c968022a07dd93fe3c06f5684ea728b8113e17fa91bd9' ''' if not raw_transaction and not scriptsig: raise ValueError('raw_transaction or scriptsig have to be provided.') if raw_transaction: tx = cls.deserialize_raw_transaction(raw_transaction) if not raise ValueError('Given transaction has no inputs.') secret_tx_in =[0] script_ops = list(secret_tx_in.scriptSig) else: script_ops = list(script.CScript.fromhex(scriptsig)) if script_ops[-2] == 1: return b2x(script_ops[-3]) raise ValueError('Unable to extract secret.')
[docs] @classmethod @auto_switch_params() def is_valid_address(cls, address: str) -> bool: ''' Checks if wallet address is valid for this network. Args: address (str): wallet address to check Returns: bool: True if address is valued, False otherwise Example: >>> from import Bitcoin >>> network = Bitcoin() >>> network.is_valid_address('13iNsKgMfVJQaYVFqp5ojuudxKkVCMtkoa') True >>> network.is_valid_address('msJ2ucZ2NDhpVzsiNE5mGUFzqFDggjBVTM') False ''' try: CBitcoinAddress(address) except (CBitcoinAddressError, Base58ChecksumError, InvalidBase58Error): return False return True
[docs] @staticmethod def deserialize_raw_transaction(raw_transaction: str) -> CTransaction: ''' Checking if transaction can be deserialized (is not corrupted). Args: raw_transaction (str): transaction to check Returns: CTransaction: transaction object Raises: ImpossibleDeserialization: when transaction is corrupted Example: >>> from import Litecoin >>> network = Litecoin() >>> network.deserialize_raw_transaction('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') # noqa: E501 CTransaction((CTxIn(COutPoint(lx('09a60dc3fafe6ba058b2a140457df1c3b446602595d47deed641cb635ffd25aa'), 0), CScript([x('304402201c8869d359b5599ecffd51a96f0a8799392c98c4e15242762ba455e37b1f5d6302203f2974e9afc8d641f9363167df48e5a845a8deba1381bf5a1b549ac04718a1ac01'), x('0459cdb91eb7298bc2578dc4e7ac2109ac3cfd9dc9818795c5583e720d2114d540724bf26b4541f683ff51968db627a04eecd1f5cff615b6350dad5fb595f8adf4'), x('c480afb333623864901c968022a07dd93fe3c06f5684ea728b8113e17fa91bd9'), 1, x('63a61450314a793bf317665ecdc54c2e843bb106aeee158876a91485c0522f6e23beb11cc3d066cd20ed732648a4e66704926db75bb17576a914621f617c765c3caa5ce1bb67f6a3e51382b8da296888ac')]), 0x0),), (CTxOut(0.00097114*COIN, CScript([OP_DUP, OP_HASH160, x('85c0522f6e23beb11cc3d066cd20ed732648a4e6'), OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIG])),), 0, 1, CTxWitness()) # noqa: E501 ''' try: return CTransaction.deserialize(x(raw_transaction)) except Exception: raise ImpossibleDeserialization()
[docs]class NoAPI(object): '''Empty class for networks that does not have block explorer with API.''' API = False
[docs] @classmethod def get_latest_block(cls): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod def get_transaction(tx_address: str) -> dict: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def get_utxo(cls, address, amount): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def extract_secret_from_redeem_transaction(cls, contract_address: str) -> Optional[str]: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod def get_balance(wallet_address: str) -> float: raise NotImplementedError