Source code for

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional

from bitcoin.core import b2lx, b2x, script
from bitcoin.wallet import CBitcoinAddress, P2PKHBitcoinAddress

from import BitcoinTransaction
from import Utxo
from clove.utils.bitcoin import auto_switch_params, from_base_units

[docs]class BitcoinContract(object): '''Atomic Swap contract.''' @auto_switch_params(1) def __init__( self, network, contract: str, raw_transaction: Optional[str]=None, transaction_address: Optional[str]=None ): if not raw_transaction and not transaction_address: raise ValueError('Provide raw_transaction or transaction_address argument.') = network self.symbol = self.contract = contract self.tx = None self.vout = None self.confirmations = None self.tx_address = transaction_address if raw_transaction: self.tx = try: self.vout = self.tx.vout[0] except IndexError: raise ValueError('Given transaction has no outputs.') else: tx_json = if not tx_json: raise ValueError('No transaction found under given address.') self.vout = self.confirmations = if not self.vout: raise ValueError('Given transaction has no outputs.') contract_tx_out = self.vout contract_script = script.CScript.fromhex(self.contract) script_pub_key = contract_script.to_p2sh_scriptPubKey() valid_p2sh = script_pub_key == contract_tx_out.scriptPubKey self.address = str(CBitcoinAddress.from_scriptPubKey(script_pub_key)) try: self.balance = except NotImplementedError: self.balance = None script_ops = list(contract_script) if valid_p2sh and self.is_valid_contract_script(script_ops): self.recipient_address = str(P2PKHBitcoinAddress.from_bytes(script_ops[6])) self.refund_address = str(P2PKHBitcoinAddress.from_bytes(script_ops[13])) self.locktime_timestamp = int.from_bytes(script_ops[8], byteorder='little') self.locktime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.locktime_timestamp) self.secret_hash = b2x(script_ops[2]) self.value = from_base_units(contract_tx_out.nValue) else: raise ValueError('Given transaction is not a valid contract.') @property def transaction_address(self) -> str: '''Returns transaction address.''' return self.tx_address or b2lx(self.tx.GetHash())
[docs] @staticmethod def is_valid_contract_script(script_ops) -> bool: '''Checking if contract script is an Atomic Swap contract.''' try: is_valid = ( script_ops[0] == script.OP_IF and script_ops[1] == script.OP_RIPEMD160 and script_ops[3] == script_ops[15] == script.OP_EQUALVERIFY and script_ops[4] == script_ops[11] == script.OP_DUP and script_ops[5] == script_ops[12] == script.OP_HASH160 and script_ops[7] == script.OP_ELSE and script_ops[9] == script.OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY and script_ops[10] == script.OP_DROP and script_ops[14] == script.OP_ENDIF and script_ops[16] == script.OP_CHECKSIG ) except IndexError: is_valid = False return is_valid
[docs] def get_contract_utxo(self, wallet=None, secret: str=None, refund: bool=False, contract: str=None) -> Utxo: ''' Creating UTXO object from contract. Args: wallet (obj): wallet object secret (str): tranaction secret (used to redeem contract) refund (bool): flag used for refund transactions contract (str): hex string with contract definition Returns: Utxo: Unspent transaction output object ''' return Utxo( tx_id=self.transaction_address, vout=0, value=self.value, tx_script=self.vout.scriptPubKey.hex(), wallet=wallet, secret=secret, refund=refund, contract=contract, )
[docs] def redeem(self, wallet, secret: str) -> BitcoinTransaction: ''' Creates transaction that can redeem a contract. Args: wallet (obj): wallet object of the Atomic Swap contract recipient secret (str): transaction secret that should match the contract secret hash (after hashing) Returns: BitcoinTransaction: unsigned transaction object with redeem transaction Raises: ValueError: if contract balance is 0 ''' if self.balance == 0: raise ValueError("Balance of this contract is 0.") transaction = BitcoinTransaction(, recipient_address=self.recipient_address, value=self.value, solvable_utxo=[self.get_contract_utxo(wallet, secret, contract=self.contract)] ) transaction.create_unsigned_transaction() return transaction
[docs] def refund(self, wallet): ''' Creates transaction that can refund a contract. Args: wallet (obj): wallet object of the Atomic Swap contract creator Returns: BitcoinTransaction: unsigned transaction object with refund transaction Raises: RuntimeError: if contract is still valid ValueError: if contract balance is 0 ''' if self.locktime > datetime.utcnow(): locktime_string = self.locktime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') raise RuntimeError(f"This contract is still valid! It can't be refunded until {locktime_string} UTC.") if self.balance == 0: raise ValueError("Balance of this contract is 0.") transaction = BitcoinTransaction(, recipient_address=self.refund_address, value=self.value, solvable_utxo=[self.get_contract_utxo(wallet, refund=True, contract=self.contract)], tx_locktime=self.locktime_timestamp, ) transaction.create_unsigned_transaction() return transaction
[docs] def participate( self, symbol: str, sender_address: str, recipient_address: str, value: float, utxo: list=None, token_address: str=None, ): ''' Method for creating a second Atomic Swap transaction based on the secret hash from the current contract. Args: symbol (str): network symbol sender_address (str): wallet address of the transaction creator recipient_address (str): wallet address of the transaction recipient value (float): amount to be send utxo (list): list of UTXO objects. In None UTXO will be gathered automatically if needed (for bitcoin-based networks) token_address (str): address of the token contract if we want to use a token Returns: BitcoinAtomicSwapTransaction, EthereumAtomicSwapTransaction, None: Atomic Swap transaction object or None if something went wrong. ''' network = if network.bitcoin_based: return network.atomic_swap( sender_address, recipient_address, value, utxo, self.secret_hash, ) return network.atomic_swap( sender_address, recipient_address, str(value), self.secret_hash, token_address, )
[docs] def show_details(self) -> dict: '''Returns a dictionary with transaction details.''' return { 'contract_address': self.address, 'confirmations': self.confirmations, 'transaction_address': self.transaction_address, 'transaction_link':, 'locktime': self.locktime, 'recipient_address': self.recipient_address, 'refund_address': self.refund_address, 'secret_hash': self.secret_hash, 'value': self.value, 'value_text': f'{self.value:.8f} {self.symbol}', }