Source code for

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional

from eth_abi import decode_abi
from ethereum.transactions import Transaction
from web3 import Web3
from web3.utils.abi import get_abi_input_names, get_abi_input_types
from web3.utils.contracts import find_matching_fn_abi

from clove.constants import ETH_REDEEM_GAS_LIMIT, ETH_REFUND_GAS_LIMIT
from import EthereumTokenTransaction
from clove.utils.logging import logger

[docs]class EthereumContract(object): '''Atomic Swap contract.''' def __init__(self, network, tx_dict): = network self.tx_dict = tx_dict self.abi = self.method_id =['input']) self.type = self.token = None if self.method_id != logger.warning('Not a contract transaction.') raise ValueError('Not a contract transaction.') input_types = get_abi_input_types(find_matching_fn_abi(self.abi, fn_identifier=self.type)) input_names = get_abi_input_names(find_matching_fn_abi(self.abi, fn_identifier=self.type)) input_values = decode_abi(input_types, Web3.toBytes(hexstr=self.tx_dict['input'][10:])) self.inputs = dict(zip(input_names, input_values)) self.locktime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.inputs['_expiration']) self.recipient_address = Web3.toChecksumAddress(self.inputs['_participant']) self.refund_address = self.tx_dict['from'] self.secret_hash = self.inputs['_hash'].hex() self.contract_address = Web3.toChecksumAddress(self.tx_dict['to']) self.block_number = self.tx_dict['blockNumber'] self.confirmations = - self.block_number self.balance = self.get_balance() if self.is_token_contract: self.value_base_units = self.inputs['_value'] self.token_address = Web3.toChecksumAddress(self.inputs['_token']) self.token = self.value = self.token.value_from_base_units(self.value_base_units) self.symbol = self.token.symbol else: self.value_base_units = self.tx_dict['value'] self.value = self.symbol = @property def is_token_contract(self) -> bool: ''' Checking if contract is a token contract. Returns: bool: True is contract is a token contract, False otherwise ''' return self.inputs['_isToken'] @property def contract(self): '''Returns a contract object.''' return address=self.contract_address, )
[docs] def get_balance(self) -> float: ''' Checking contract balance. Returns: float: contract balance ''' contract = self.contract contract_swap = contract.functions.swaps(self.recipient_address, self.secret_hash).call() contract_exists = contract_swap[-1] contract_balance = contract_swap[3] if contract_exists: return contract_balance return 0
[docs] def participate( self, symbol: str, sender_address: str, recipient_address: str, value: float, utxo: list=None, token_address: str=None, ): ''' Method for creating a second Atomic Swap transaction based on the secret hash from the current contract. Args: symbol (str): network symbol sender_address (str): wallet address of the transaction creator recipient_address (str): wallet address of the transaction recipient value (float): amount to be send utxo (list): list of UTXO objects. In None UTXO will be gathered automatically if needed (for bitcoin-based networks) token_address (str): address of the token contract if we want to use a token Returns: BitcoinAtomicSwapTransaction, EthereumAtomicSwapTransaction, None: Atomic Swap transaction object or None if something went wrong. ''' network = if network.ethereum_based: return network.atomic_swap( sender_address, recipient_address, str(value), self.secret_hash, token_address, ) return network.atomic_swap( sender_address, recipient_address, value, utxo, self.secret_hash, )
[docs] def redeem(self, secret: str) -> EthereumTokenTransaction: ''' Creates transaction that can redeem a contract. Args: secret (str): transaction secret that should match the contract secret hash (after hashing) Returns: EthereumTokenTransaction: unsigned transaction object with redeem transaction Raises: ValueError: if contract balance is 0 ''' if self.balance == 0: raise ValueError("Balance of this contract is 0.") contract = self.contract redeem_func = contract.functions.redeem(secret) tx_dict = { 'nonce':, 'value': 0, 'gas': ETH_REDEEM_GAS_LIMIT, } tx_dict = redeem_func.buildTransaction(tx_dict) transaction = EthereumTokenTransaction( transaction.tx = Transaction( nonce=tx_dict['nonce'], gasprice=tx_dict['gasPrice'], startgas=tx_dict['gas'], to=tx_dict['to'], value=tx_dict['value'], data=Web3.toBytes(hexstr=tx_dict['data']), ) transaction.value = self.value transaction.token = self.token transaction.recipient_address = self.recipient_address return transaction
[docs] def find_redeem_transaction(self) -> Optional[str]: ''' Getting details of redeem transaction. Returns: str, None: Redeem transaction hash, None if redeem transaction was not found Raises: ValueError: if the network is not supported Example: >>> from import EthereumTestnet >>> network = EthereumTestnet() >>> contract = network.audit_contract('0xfe4bcc1b522923ca6f8dc2721134c7d8636b34737aeafb2d6d0868d73e226891') >>> contract.find_redeem_transaction() '0x9879c8e9866fed8f9a2abdefff72c0dacb9e683ffcbd68cb966b5b8358421f39' ''' if tx_details = block_number=self.block_number, recipient_address=self.recipient_address, secret_hash=self.secret_hash ) if not tx_details: return return tx_details.get('transaction_hash') try: if self.is_token_contract: return recipient_address=self.recipient_address, token_address=self.token_address, value=self.value_base_units, ) return recipient_address=self.recipient_address, contract_address=self.contract_address, value=self.value_base_units, ) except NotImplementedError: raise ValueError( f'Unable to find redeem transaction, {} network is not supported.' )
[docs] def find_secret(self) -> Optional[str]: ''' Searching for the secret in the redeem transaction details. Returns: str, None: secret or None if the redeem transaction was not found Raises: ValueError: if the network doesn't support event filtering ''' try: tx_details = block_number=self.block_number, recipient_address=self.recipient_address, secret_hash=self.secret_hash ) if not tx_details: return return tx_details.get('secret') except NotImplementedError: raise ValueError( f'Unable to find secret, {} network is not supported.' )
[docs] def refund(self) -> EthereumTokenTransaction: ''' Creates transaction that can refund a contract. Returns: EthereumTokenTransaction: unsigned transaction object with refund transaction Raises: RuntimeError: if contract is still valid ValueError: if contract balance is 0 ''' if self.balance == 0: raise ValueError("Balance of this contract is 0.") contract = self.contract if self.locktime > datetime.utcnow(): locktime_string = self.locktime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') logger.warning(f"This contract is still valid! It can't be refunded until {locktime_string} UTC.") raise RuntimeError(f"This contract is still valid! It can't be refunded until {locktime_string} UTC.") refund_func = contract.functions.refund(self.secret_hash, self.recipient_address) tx_dict = { 'nonce':, 'value': 0, 'gas': ETH_REFUND_GAS_LIMIT, } tx_dict = refund_func.buildTransaction(tx_dict) transaction = EthereumTokenTransaction( transaction.tx = Transaction( nonce=tx_dict['nonce'], gasprice=tx_dict['gasPrice'], startgas=tx_dict['gas'], to=tx_dict['to'], value=tx_dict['value'], data=Web3.toBytes(hexstr=tx_dict['data']), ) transaction.value = self.value transaction.token = self.token transaction.recipient_address = self.refund_address logger.debug('Transaction refunded') return transaction
[docs] def show_details(self) -> dict: '''Returns information about the contract.''' details = { 'contract_address': self.contract_address, 'confirmations': self.confirmations, 'locktime': self.locktime, 'recipient_address': self.recipient_address, 'refund_address': self.refund_address, 'secret_hash': self.secret_hash, 'transaction_address': self.tx_dict['hash'].hex(), 'transaction_link':['hash'].hex()), 'value': self.value, 'value_text': f'{self.value:.18f} {self.symbol}', 'balance': self.balance, } if self.token: details['value_text'] = self.token.get_value_text(self.value) details['token_address'] = self.token_address return details